Stop Motion : Cheese (images jpg)
Time Lapse : routine Python + ffmpeg
os.system("fswebcam -d /dev/video2 -D 2 -S 12 -F 36 -r 640x480 -p YUYV cam2/%d%m%y_%H%M%S.jpg")
ffmpeg -framerate 15 -pattern_type glob -i '*.jpg' -c:v libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p mavideo.mp4
Montage vidéo : PiTiVi sous Linux Ubuntu
Laurent ALDON :
Tags: creativite fablab ffmpeg funlearning iut learning center learning lab linux montage video musique nimes pitch stopmotion webcam
- Laurent Aldon
- Nov. 15, 2019, 1:18 p.m.
- Educational document
- French
- Industrial sciences and technologies
- Applied mathematics and social sciences (MASS)
- Archeology, ethnology, prehistory
- Chemistry
- Computer science
- Economic and Social Administration (AES)
- Economic science
- Educational Sciences
- Electronics, electrical engineering
- French as a foreign language
- General training in the engineering professions
- History, geography
- Information and communication sciences
- Legal sciences
- Letters, languages, language sciences, arts
- Life sciences
- Management science
- Mathematics
- Mechanics, civil engineering
- Medicine
- Microelectronics, robotics
- Odontology
- Pharmacy
- Philosophy, epistemology
- Physics, astrophysics
- Planning
- Pluri health
- Pluri human and social sciences
- Pluri right - political science
- Pluri sciences
- Pluri sciences economics and management
- Pluri sciences of life, health, earth and the universe
- Political sciences
- Process Engineering
- Psychology
- Religious studies
- Science of the universe
- Sociology, demography